Maku Pop-Up in Basel 29.-31. January 2021 - "Jātaka" CANCELLED
As we move deeper into questions about our existence, we explore the connection we share with everything around us.
Drawing light from the "Jātaka" – stories of the former births of the Buddha on his path of gradual transformation into The Enlightened One – we inquire into the concept of rebirth and actualization within our own sphere of traditional Indian textiles: old age dye-pigments, weaving techniques and aesthetics.
The warm generosity of the red, rendered though natural pigments of lac and madder, slowly seeps into the richness of our indigo, making us more rooted in our expression.
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MAKU, which means "weaving shuttle" in Bengali, is a slow fibre movement that uses only hand spun and hand woven cloth in natural Indigo, the designs of which are realised in collaboration with artisans on their looms. The use of a single colour in most of MAKU's collections so far, is a conscious and deliberate decision of the brand, showcasing the richness and versatility of the colour - from the palest powder blue to black. But for MAKU, indigo extends beyond its colour as a statement against consumerism by limiting choice.
MAKU was founded by Santanu Das, a committed conceptual artist from the National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, that has long been influenced by the testimony of the Indian textile heritage, culture and skills. Santanu has also taken steps towards designing a system to develop a better living environment panning from recycling waste (e.g. the rests of fabric are transformed into hand made paper for his tags) to distribution of wealth to the weaker section of the society.
I met Santanu in 2014 and felt that I had finally found the clothes that my soul had always yearned to wear! From a user I became a supporter of MAKU, and since 2018 I am an integral part of MAKU, contributing to the brainstorming process of fabric and garment design and developing the narrative behind some of the collections. I also manage the whole sale international accounts.
This is great opportunity for people interested in slow, conscious and sustainable fashion to touch, feel, smell, try and buy MAKU clothes, and ask all the questions you want about the process and production of the fabrics and garments.
Learn about the concept and philosophy of MAKU and see MAKU's creations on Facebook or Instagram.
noa:yogaLuftgässlein 4
4051 - Basel
Friday, January 29th from 12:00 to 18:00 h
Saturday, January 30th 12:00 to 18:00 h
Sunday, January 31st from 12:00 to 16:00 h
Private appointments outside of the opening times possible, especially if you prefer to be alone or with your friends at the shop. Contact me through the Contact form or by e-mail to
Some pictures from the "Jātaka" collection: